To schedule a service in MarketSharp first pull up the customer record you wish to set the service appointment for and click on the jobs tab.
Once on the Jobs tab find the job you need to set your service for and look at the product you will be servicing below your job. Follow that product line to the right and you will see a series of links starting with details and ending with service. Click on the service link.
Next you will want to fill out any warranty dates if needed.
Then you will click the add new service button to create the service appointment.
On the next screen you will fill out if this service is part of a warranty or billable. Select the service type and the request date.
You then will fill out the service date/time field to add this to your service calendar.
Select a service rep that is going out to do the service for you.
Status can be selected as to the status of the service itself. (completed, in progress ect.)
When you complete the service, you can then edit and add in the completed-on date.
You also have two note sections to add any notes to the service.
Once everything is filled out simply click save and this will be added to your service calendar.
You may also create a service order by clicking the wrench icon and selecting a service template.