Search and Tag Contacts
Searching for Contacts MarketSharp allows you to search for any contact using Quick Find, which is located at the bottom of the left hand navigation bar. Simply type in the first and/or last name of the contact and click Find. You can also search using address, email address, or phone number. Searches can be narrowed or expanded based upon contact type. Using the drop-down above Find Options, the contact type can be selected. Choose from All Contacts, Prospects, Leads, or Customers.
Find Options allow the search to be widened or narrowed to different areas of the Contact Record. Search for just the Contact, or jump right to the Inquiry or Job level. There is an option to search for Add'l Contacts as well.
Expand or collapse the Find Options menu by clicking the gear icon. Decide the amount of search results displayed using the numbers under Find Top Results. Tagging/Un-tagging Records Start by going to List View (in either Leads, Prospects, or Customers sections). Select a custom filter or choose All Leads (or All Prospects or All Customers). Tagging allows selection of specific contact records. These can then be exported or filtered out from the rest of the contacts. Tagging can also be used to select contacts to use with the Send Direct Mail or Send Mass Email links.
Tagging contacts is also a way to mass-delete if necessary.