In this tutorial, I will show you show how to add a reminder to a contact record.
Go to the Contacts Tab
Locate a contact's record that you wish to set a reminder for.
Open the record.
Click onto the activities section in the contact record and click on Add Activity.
Under the type drop, choose what kind of activity, you'd want this to be. If its a note for yourself to perform an action without having to contact a client, then you can use TO-DO or event depending on the nature of your reminder.
Then Make sure to add yourself a note, to remind yourself why you are setting this reminder.
Lastly you will assign yourself this activity, set the due by date for when you want this activity completed and then set yourself a good reminder time. Whatever time you choose for the reminder will set the reminder to remind you before this due date, so plan accordingly.
You will now see a reminder box populate on the bottom left
It will also display on the dashboard on login (you can also click your company logo on the top left to get to the dashboard screen again).