Dashboard Overview
The Dashboard provides your business with a real-time snapshot of the key metrics and trends in your business. The dashboard is role-based, enabling you to configure which widgets each user has permission to view on the Dashboard. Some of the widgets have a How is this calculated? link. This is very useful for deciphering what each widget means, and where the data comes from within MarketSharp.
Company Sales Pace
The Company Sales Pace widget gives the option to display either per month or per year.
- Monitor your sales ‘pace’ based on your goals for the year
- Compares your actual sales with your sales goals (entered in the Admin area in the Sales Goal Setup area of the Dashboards Setup section) resulting is your sales “pace” numbers (dollar volume and percent of goal)
- Sales Goal: Displays the sales goal that is entered into the Admin set up area (either yearly or monthly goal depending on selection)
- Sales to Date: Displays the amount of net sales made as of today's date. (either MTD or YTD depending on selection)
- On Pace to Make: takes the YTD (or MTD) sales divided by the number of days that have passed so far this year (or month)
- Percent to Deadline: Displays how far along the year (or month) it is as of today's date.
- Percent of Sales Goal: Calculates a percentage by dividing the YTD (or MTD) sales by the Sales Goal (monthly or yearly, setup in Admin section)
- Efficiency/Speed: Calculates a percentage by dividing the sales goal (monthly or yearly) by the percent to deadline
Company Performance Ratios
The Performance Ratio is setup in the Admin section under Dashboard & Reporting Setup. It takes into consideration both Presentations and Sold appointments. Calculation: Presentation % (appointment to demo rate) + Gross Sale % (demo to gross close ratio = Performance Ratio Example: 80% demo rate + 40% close rate = 120% Performance Ratio
Sales Overview
The Sales Overview widget allows for choosing to view either Net or Gross sales. Net sales in MarketSharp are only those that have a contract status of Approved. Gross Sales are all contracts entered into MarketSharp, regardless of status.
- Uses the contract date field to categorize by Today, Yesterday, MTD, and YTD
- Uses the Total Contract field to display the category total
- Can be filtered by Inquiry Division
Company Total Closing Ratios
- Gross Closing Ratio: is calculated as the number of appointments with an appointment result of sold divided by the number of appointments
- Net Closing Ratio: is calculated as the number of appointments with an appointment result of sold for a job that has a contract status of approved, divided by the number of appointments
- Uses the Appointment Date field to calculate ratios
- NOTE: if there is no appointment date it will not count as an appointment and therefore not be included in the calculations
Operating Statement
This is configured in the Admin section under Dashboard & Reporting Setup. Choose which sections to display. This page also gives a description of what each section calculates.
Net Sales Compared to Prior Year
Shows how Net Sales for the last 12 months compares to Net Sales for the prior 12 months
- Includes only those jobs with a contract status of Approved
- Uses the Contract Date field to determine the jobs to show
- The solid green line indicates the Total Contract sums for the last 12 months
- The faded green line indicates the Total Contract sums for the prior 12 months
Net Sales Compared to Installed Jobs
Shows how well production is keeping up with sales contracts by comparing Net Sales volume with Net Installed volume.
- Includes only those jobs with a contract status of Approved
- Uses the Contract Date field to determine the contracts to sum for the RED line
- Uses the Job Completed Date field to determine the contracts to sum for the BLUE line
- The solid red line indicates the sum of the Total Contract values for the last twelve months
- The solid blue line indicates the sum of the Total Contract values for the prior twelve months
Net Sales by Salesperson
Shows the Net Sales for each employee that had net (approved) contracts with Contract Dates falling within the chosen date range.
- Includes only those jobs with a contract status of Approved
- Uses the Contract Date field and the selected date range to determine which contracts to include
- Both contracts with and without a completed job are considered
- A contract belongs to the employee set for Salesperson on the Appointment that lead to the contract
- Contracts that are not tied to an Appointment with a value for Salesperson are not included
Salesperson Sales Pace
This displays for either the month or year, and uses the individual sales goal information from the Dashboard & Reporting Setup area in the Admin section.
Salesperson Closing Ratios
- Includes appointments based on the appointment date range selected
- Uses the Salesperson 1 field to tally the appointment count
- Counts an appointment as sold if the Appointment Results means Sold (This is configured in the Editable Drop-Down Lists area of the Admin screen)
- Displays closing ratio as a percent of sales from all appointments assigned to a salesperson
- Calculates closing ratio based on lead assigned (where Salesperson and Appointment Date are entered) to Sold (Appointment Result means Sold)
Leads Generated by Primary Lead Source
Shows how many Inquiries were taken for each Lead Source that generated Inquiries with the chosen date range
- Includes only leads with an Inquiry Date falling within the selected date range
- Displays a count of leads for each Primary Lead Source
Salesperson Performance Ratios
The Performance Ratio is setup in the Admin section under Dashboard & Reporting Setup. It takes into consideration both Presentations and Sold appointments. Calculation: Presentation % (appointment to demo rate) + Gross Sale % (demo to gross close ratio = Performance Ratio Example: 80% demo rate + 40% close rate = 120% Performance Ratio