25182 - Update Company Updates From Chargify Email List: Addresses a request to update the aforementioned list. Also updated the version of SendGrid this process was using.
18812 - QuickBooks Push Invoice With Blank Product Detail Description Bugfix: Fixed a bug that would cause pushing an invoice with a blank product detail description to fail.
24962 - List View Select All Toggle Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused the select all checkbox on various list views to not work properly.
25190 - Hosted Payment Links Not Sending For Companies Without SendGrid Bugfix: Fixed a bug that prevented hosted payment link emails from being sent for companies not set up with a SendGrid account.
25037 - Auto Texts And Emails Not Deleted When Activities Are Batch Deleted: Fixed a bug where if you batch deleted activities, the related emails and texts were not being deleted, causing them to be sent.