Below you will find the data conversion times for MS per data source. Any estimated hours that have a range, example: 10-20, will require example data, allowing us to appropriately quote the billable hours pre-sale.
Data Source | Estimated # of hours(includes 4 hrs) | Attachment Cost | Trial Conversion Cost |
Acculynx | 6 | $500 | |
Act! Desktop | 10-15 | $500 | |
Act! SQL Backup | 10-20 | $500 | |
BuilderTrend | 8 | $500 | |
ComputerEase | 10-20 | $500 | |
CRMPro | 10-20 | $500 | |
dBase | 10-20 | $500 | |
Excel(1 > sheet) | 4-10 | $500 | |
Excel(1 sheet) | 4 | $500 | |
FileMaker Pro | 10-20 | $500 | |
Goldmine | 10-20 | $500 | |
HomeAdvisor | 1 | $500 | |
HubSpot CRM | 6-10 | $500 | |
i360 Desktop(legacy SQL DB) | 6-10 | $250 | $500 |
I360 Enterprise | 4 | $250 | $500 |
Insightly | 6-8 | $500 | |
Jobber | 4-6 | $500 | |
JobNimbus | 6 | $500 | |
LeadPerfection(Custom) | 8-10 | $250 | $500 |
LeadPerfection(Standard) | 8-10 | $250 | $500 |
Microsoft Access | 10-20 | $500 | |
Microsoft Dynamics 365 | 20-80 | $500 | |
MySQL | 10-20 | $500 | |
Nationwide | 10-20 | $250 | $500 |
Pipeline Deals | 4 | $500 | |
Proprietary | 10-40 | $500 | |
QuickBase | 10-20 | $500 | |
QuickBooks | 4-6 | $500 | |
RhinoShield | 10-15 | $500 | |
SalesForce | 10-20 | $250 | $500 |
ServiceTycoon | 6-10 | $500 | |
Sesame | 10 | $500 | |
SQL DB | 10-40 | $500 | |
Velocity | 10 | $500 | |
Vtiger | 10 | $500 | |
Wintec | 4-6 | $500 | |
Zoho | 10-20 | $500 |