EBR *Exemption or Established Business Relationship
What does * EBR Exemption Until: MM/DD/YEAR stand for? This is the date you can call them until- After that date, you are unable to call them.
To View this field, Edit Contact Information either by clicking one of the blue editing pencils by phone/email or by clicking 'Edit This Contact' button under Quick Print in right hand corner of your MarketSharp screen. See image below:
Who Can You Call?
A telemarketer or seller may call a consumer with whom it has an established business relationship (a Customer) for up to 18 months after the consumer’s last purchase, delivery, or payment – even if the consumer’s number is on the National Do Not Call Registry.
In addition, a company may call a consumer for up to three months after the consumer makes an inquiry or submits an application to the company (a Lead). And if a consumer has given a company written permission, the company may call even if the consumer’s number is on the National Do Not Call Registry.
If a company DOES NOT have an established relationship with a consumer (a Prospect) then the company can only call the consumer if they are NOT on the National Do Not Call Registry.