Below is a list of fields available to be used in Lead Capture. If you decide to use any of these, we may need to work with your tech folks to get it working and tested
POST URL | | |
Field Name | Notes | Max Length |
MSM_coy | Required. Mutual customer’s MarketSharp Company ID. | |
MSM_formid | ||
MSM_source | Required. Found in html code for Custom Lead Capture generated by mutual customer. | |
MSM_leadCaptureName | ||
MSM_testform | If =true then will prepend TEST DATA to first and last name | |
MSM_firstname | Required | 50 |
MSM_lastname | Required | 50 |
MSM_title | 50 | |
MSM_middleinitial | 50 | |
MSM_address1 | 200 | |
MSM_address2 | 200 | |
MSM_city | 50 | |
MSM_state | 50 | |
MSM_zip | 50 | |
MSM_county | 50 | |
MSM_country | ca or 2 = Canada; u or 1 = United States | |
MSM_email | email or homephone is required | 50 |
MSM_homephone | email or homephone is required | 11 |
MSM_cellphone | email or cellphone is required | 11 |
MSM_workphone | email or workphone is required | 11 |
MSM_writtenDncPermission | Set to “true” if the phone numbers should be marked as having written permission to call. Clients are responsible to know if they are allowed to set this based on their federal and state laws | |
MSM_interests | Appends to inquiry notes | |
MSM_besttime | Appends to inquiry notes | |
Custom Fields (Appended to Inquiry Notes | ||
MSM_custom_[fieldname] | i.e. custom_Canvassars_Notes | |
Advanced Fields | ||
MSM_primarySourceId | A list of primary lead sources can be obtained from API | |
MSM_primarySourceName | If the name doesn’t exist, it will be created. This could pollute a customer’s database if used incorrectly. | 50 |
MSM_secondarySourceId | If the name doesn’t exist, it will be created. This could pollute a customer’s database if used incorrectly. | |
MSM_secondarySourceName | If the name doesn’t exist, it will be created. This could pollute a customer’s database if used incorrectly. | 50 |
MSM_promoterId | A list of promoters can be obtained from API. | |
MSM_promoterUsername | Do not use if using promoterId, promoter’s MarketSharp username. | 50 |
MSM_salespersonId | A list of salespeople can be obtained from API. | |
MSM_salespersonUsername | Do not use if using salespersonId, salesperson’s MarketSharp username. | 50 |
MSM_canvasserId | A list of canvassers can be obtained from API. | |
MSM_canvasserUsername | Do not use if using canvasserId, canvasser’s MarketSharp username. | 50 |
MSM_divisionName | If the name doesn’t exist, it will be created. This could pollute a customer’s database if used incorrectly. | 50 |
MSM_inquiryTakenById | A list of inquiry taken bys can be obtained from API. | |
MSM_inquiryTakenByUsername | Do not use if using inquiryTakenById, user’s MarketSharp username. | 50 |
MSM_inquiryTakenDate | Format is MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, or MM-DD-YYYY. | |
MSM_apptDate | format must be MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, or MM-DD-YYYY | |
MSM_apptTime | format must be 00:00 to 23:59 | |
MSM_apptSetDate | format must be MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD, or MM-DD-YYYY | |
MSM_apptSetById | A list of appt setters can be obtained from API. | |
MSM_apptSetByUsername | Do not use if using apptSetById, user’s MarketSharp username | 50 |
MSM_apptType | If the type doesn’t exist, it will be created. This could pollute a customer’s database if used incorrectly. |