Creating and Editing Quotes Quotes on the Contact Record
This document will walk you through creating a quote for a potential client that has not yet been turned into a sale! 1.You will be required to have an Appointment created in order to generate a Quote. If the Quote link is in bold, that means a quote already exists for this appointment. 2. Clicking on the Quote button will open a window that shows if a quote is already tied to an appointment (1). From here you can edit a quote (2), create a quote print file (3), duplicate a created quote (4), delete a quote (5), or add a new quote (6). 3. Clicking on "Add Quote" will allow you to create a quote from scratch. You will need to add a Quote Name, Date, and the Inquiry/Appt tied to the quote. 4. Once the required data is entered as shown in the previous step, you can start to add the products and quoted pricing. There are two ways to add this. You can click the "Add Item" button if you're creating the quote from scratch, or you can click the "Add Template" button to populate a template that was already created. (To learn how to create templates, click here ) By clicking "Add Item" it will create a single line item to fill in. Here you can fill in the Product, Description, and Quantity. When the Product and Description are selected, the Unit of Measure and $ per Unit will automatically update (if the values were set in the Product Pricing, click here to learn how to set this up). By clicking "Add Template" you will be able to select from your Template options and click "Apply Template". This will add your products to the quote along with qty and the taxable information. You can also manually adjust the qty and pricing if needed before clicking Save. You will see the Financial section update if you make any edits. If any Product Price is left as $0, Marketsharp will treat it as a Discount. By default, Marketsharp is adding a Discount Product, but it can be removed. You can also Discount based on a specific product. As you can see below, there are 2 discounts now on the quote: 5. Click "Save Quote". The "Status" of Quotes are Accepted, Proposed, and Rejected. These cannot be edited or changed, as other parts of the database rely on these statuses. Breakdown of the Financial Section:
- Subtotal: the total of the "Price" column added together.
- Total Discount: the sum of all prices that are below $0
- Total Tax: the taxable amounts multiplied by the tax rate.
- Total: the sum total of the Subtotal, Total Discount, and Total Tax.