Constant Contact - Marketing
MarketSharp has partnered with Constant Contact for optimal email marketing. MarketSharp has the ability to export contact list views or custom filters directly to Constant Contact. Email marketing helps keep customers and leads coming back—by using attractive, professional-looking email communications to stay in regular touch and build strong customer relationships. It's better and more effective than regular email. The benefit of signing up under MarketSharp is we provide remodeling specific email templates. The price of the subscription is still the same regardless of sign up location! For more information on Constant Contact, and to set up an account, visit their website here.
The CAN-SPAM Act covers all commercial messages, which the law defines as “any electronic mail message the primary purpose of which is the commercial advertisement or promotion of a commercial product or service,” including email that promotes content on commercial websites. “Each separate email in violation of the CAN-SPAM Act is subject to penalties of up to $16,000, so non-compliance can be costly.” For more information on the CAN-SPAM Act click here. Fortunately, there are some simple steps to take to meet the compliance requirements. Constant Contact makes it easy to meet these requirements, and unlike Outlook, allows sending of multiple emails at one time.
Signup for Constant Contact:
Click the Admin link in the drop-down in the upper right corner of MarketSharp Click the Constant Contact Maintenance link under Apps & Add-ons Setup
Click the Sign up link
Authorize Constant Contact Account:
Click the Authorize link Enter Constant Contact credentials
Click Login Click Allow. Note: This allows MarketSharp M to access and update the Contant Contact account. It will remain in effect until it is revoked.
MarketSharp and Constant Contact are now linked
Once the Constant Contact account is linked to MarketSharp, any user that will use this function will need permissions granted in MarketSharp.
Grant Permissions to Constant Contact:
Click the Admin link in the drop-down in the upper right corner of MarketSharp Click Employee Maintenance under the Employee Setup box
Click the Permissions key icon for the user
Click on the words Feature Permissions to expand that area. Click the blue plus sign next to Admin to expand that selection. Look for Constant Contact and expand that area to see the different permissions options
Click Save Permissions at the bottom of the page
Export to Constant Contact:
Create a filter that contains the contacts to be exported to Constant Contact. Click on the Send Mass Email link. The tutorial on how to create a filter can be found here. Choose the filter that corresponds to the list of contacts to be exported to Constant Contact.
Select an existing Constant Contact List or choose Add New List to create a new one
If creating a new list, type the name and click Create New List.
It will now appear in the Constant Contact List Name drop-down
Click Export to Constant Contact at the bottom of the page
Note : The contacts to be exported will display. Only contacts with a valid primary email address will be exported.
A success message will display advising that the contacts were exported properly. Choose to re-direct to Constant Contact or click Ok to stay in MarketSharp.
NOTE: For questions or assistance in designing marketing emails or using the Constant Contact services, please contact Constant Contact at (866)289-2101.