Activity List Tab
The Activity List gives users the ability to view activities for a specific user, specific date, and specific activity type. Activity Lists can be customized to display selected columns. Activities can be sorted, scheduled, exported to excel, completed, viewed, edited, or deleted. Activities can also be created/edited/deleted on the Activities Tab on the contact record. The Activity List functions as a 'to do' list for the specified person. On a daily basis, view or export Activity Lists to Excel to prevent things from slipping through the cracks. The Activity List allows users to schedule activities for one or multiple employees based on existing filters, and export to Excel.
Scheduling Activities
MarketSharp has the ability to schedule an activity to an individual or a group of employees based on an existing filter.
Schedule Activities for a Group
Create a filter that includes the necessary contacts and tag them all. Click the Schedule Activities button. Select the contact type (Prospects, Leads, or Customers) where the filter exists. Then choose the name of the filter.
Specify the Activity Details, such as the Activity Type and Reference.
Assign the activity to one or more users
Choose whether or not the activity should have a due date. If so, choose Schedule a Due Date. Choose when the activity should begin, as well as how long it should take. If the activity is recurring, choose which days of the week it should assign to the users.
Click Save
Schedule an Activity for an Individual
From the contact record view, click Activities Click Add Activity Enter the Activity Details such as type, reference, who it's assigned to, when it's due, and if there should be reminder.
Click Save
Mark Activity Complete
Click the Mark Complete link for the activity Select a result
Click Save
Get Next Unassigned Activity
When Get Next Unassigned Activity is clicked, MarketSharp grabs the next unassigned activity, and assigns it to the individual that is currently logged into the system
Reassign a list of Activities
MarketSharp has the ability to assign a filtered list of activities to another individual. Use the Filter options on the Activity List Tab to identify the group of activities that should be reassigned. Click Tag All Filtered Select an individual to reassign the activities to from the drop-down.
Click Reassign
Export to Excel®
Users can export Activity lists to Microsoft Excel® by clicking the Export link.
Customizing the Activity List
Change what fields display in the Activity List view by creating a custom view. To learn how to create a custom view refer to this article: Views on the Upper-Level Tabs