Remove the old Print File Manager
Marketsharp Print File Manager 2023-2026 is the current version. Any print file manager dated with prior years will need to be uninstalled. Follow the steps below to uninstall:
- Go to your computer Start menu in the bottom left of your screen
- Start typing in “Control Panel”
- Open Control Panel
- Look for “Programs”
- Click on “Uninstall a Program”
- Locate the “Marketsharp Print File Manager” program from the list.
- Right click and select “Uninstall” NOTE: You may have 2 or 3 versions of MarketSharp Print File Manager installed on your computer; if so, uninstall all versions.
- You will get a Pop Up window asking to confirm you want to Uninstall this program, click “OK”
- Once this is done, go back to MarketSharp and generate the Print File Document again. This will prompt you to download the latest version of the Print File Manager and your document will open automatically after the install!