Navigation and Distances
When an Appointment has an address or has been geocoded successfully with a latitude and longitude, a 3rd party app can be used to help navigate to the appointment. When tapping on an address, the user is prompted regarding which navigation app they would like to use. Users are only prompted to select an App that is installed on the device. The following are support navigation apps:
- Apple Maps
- Google Maps
- Waze
- A user will not be prompted to use a navigation app if they do not have it installed
- Geolocations are not 100% accurate
- Navigating to a location is not always perfect. Use discretion.
- We have found Google Maps to be the most accurate when returning addresses.
- The first time Waze is launched, the user needs to accept the Terms and Conditions. This causes the address of the appointment to not show up. Tapping the address again, will cause Waze to open with the address since the Terms and Conditions have been accepted.
Google Street View
- When a Google Street View image is available of the location, the address is used to lookup up the image and not the latitude and longitude.
- This allows the lookup to know when side of the street the address is on
- Not all addresses can be geocoded accurately so the address is the best way to lookup the location
- Known issues:
- On phones, the interactive StreetView may load slow, showing a black screen for about 15 seconds before it loads.
- When opening in Google Maps, the Google Maps app my show a "No internet connection." or that "Street View cannot be found". This can usually be fixed by simply trying again.
Distances and Time
- The distance and time calculated to an Appointment is based on the following:
- Based on the users current location.
- Only calculates for the list of appointments for the currently selected date.
- Distance and time is only recalculated when:
- Selected date changes
- The user location changes or an appointment address changes and user pulls down to refresh on the home screen.
- Users must allow to share their location while the app is in use so the distance and time can be calculated.
- The users current location is based on latitude and longitude and the destination of appointment is based on the appointment address.
- Values are based on driving as the mode of transportation.
- The service used to determine distance and time is based on Google's Distance Matrix API
When viewing an Appointment, if any of the following fields are filled in for the Inquiry Job Site Address, the Inquiry Job Site Address will be displayed instead of the Contact's address.
- Address line 1
- Address line 2
- city
- state
- zip
If the all of the fields above are not filled in, the Appointment will display the Contact's address.