- Sold appointment results
- Creates a new job and job products if a quote was selected and had quote items upon a sold appointment result in MarketSharp.
- If the quote(s) selected had taxable quote items, the tax amount will total between the quotes and be added as a tax job product on the job.
- Sold appointment results will convert a lead into a customer. This is handled server side.
- Activities will be created if the sold appointment result has an appointment rule associated with it server side
- Quotes can be selected if there are any quotes to select.
- Quotes that are either 'Rejected' or have pending changes (draft state) cannot be selected when choosing which quotes were sold. Either update the quote status to not be Rejected or go back to the quote to save any outstanding changes.
- Quotes that are synced and have a status of Proposed or Accepted Statuses can be selected
- Quotes with a Proposed Status that get selected, will have their statuses changed to 'Accepted' upon resulting the appointment.
- When an appointment is sold but a quote is not selected, the sale name becomes:
'Sale Created from Mobile without Quote selected'
- Creates a new job and job products if a quote was selected and had quote items upon a sold appointment result in MarketSharp.
- Unsold appointment results
- Activities will be created if the unsold appointment result has an appointment rule associated with it server side
- Any quotes that we're not selected during Appointment Resulting, will be updated as 'Rejected'.
- Only quotes that exist remotely will be updated as 'Rejected'. Any quotes that exist locally but have have not be saved will not be updated.
Salesforce Classic
- When an Appointment is marked as Sold a Sale is created.
- The Sale name is initially set to the name of the first quote selected. The Sale name is overwritten by Sales a Sale Item triggers once the Sale is edited at least once. The Sale Name becomes a pattern like 'Sale Item Product Categories separated by semicolons : Prospect Name' by the triggers.
- When an appointment is sold but a quote is not selected, the sale name becomes:
'Sale Created from Mobile without Quote selected' but this value is overwritten by triggers once the Sale or Sale Items are added/edited.
- Quotes that are either 'Rejected' or have pending changes (draft state) cannot be selected when choosing which quotes were sold. Either update the quote status to not be Rejected or go back to the quote to save any outstanding changes.
- When multiple Quotes are selected that have different tax rates, the tax rate that will be used on the Sale is the first selected Quote in the list, going from top down.
Not sold, Scheduling a Follow up Appointment
When an appointment is resulted as not sold, a follow up appointment can be scheduled. If the sales rep needs to be changed on the Subsequent Appointment, someone at the office (desktop user) would need to reassign the sales rep.
The new appointments gets the following fields mapped over from the original so information from the original appointment doesn't have to be manually re-entered.
NOTE: The Interests (Product Categories) do not carry over from the original appointment to the new follow-up appointment automatically. One Orgs that do Appointment Scheduling based on Product Category will need to review the Subsequent Appointment (Type: Rehash) and add the new/updated Production Categories from the desktop application.
- i360__Address__c
- i360__City__c
- i360__Comments__c
- i360__Components_1__c
- i360__Components_2__c
- i360__Components_3__c
- i360__Duration__c
- i360__Lead_Source__r
- i360__Prospect_Phone__c
- i360__Prospect_Email__c
- i360__Prospect__r
- i360__Sales_Rep_1__r
- i360__Send_Email_On_Setup__c
- i360__Start__c
- i360__Start_Time__c
- i360__State__c
- i360__Type__c (gets set to 'Rehash')
- i360__Zip__c
Multi-Quote Appointment Resulting
When resulting an appointment, more than 1 quote can be selected. Selecting more than 1 quote does the following:
- All selected quote statuses become Accepted
- The Total Price Quoted amount should update with the Sum of the selected quotes and becomes the Sale Total and Balance Due
- One Sale is created in which all the Quote Items from each quote become Sale Items on the Sale
- The Sales Tax Rate on Sale will be Sales Tax Rate of the first Quote selected.
- We recommend not to create more than one Quote on an Appointment that have different Sales Tax Rates.
Page Layouts
- Fields in a Page Layout section called Disabled - Edit will be read only and can't be edited on the standard edit screens. A use case for this is for Appointment Result fields. The user needs to have edit access to these fields but they should only be set when using the Appointment Result flow. Also the Computed Start DateTime for appointments get set in an Appointment Trigger based on the Appointment Start, Appointment Date and Appointment Duration fields. The Computed Start DateTime Field should not be edited directly.
i360 Lighting
Sales Appointments can be resulted by given result details for the corresponding Sales Opportunities. After a Sales Appointment is Resulted, it can be re-resulted so the Sales Appointment Status and Sales Opportunities can be updated.
- A Sales appointment can be resulted as sold when at least one Sales Opportunity result is Sold
- When a the Sales Appointment is sold, the corresponding Sale and Sale Items are created for the selected Quotes
Not Sold
- The following options are available when no Sales Opportunities are not resulted as Sold. The following next steps are available;
- Schedule Follow-Up Appointment
- Create a Task
- Flag Contact as "Not Qualified"'
- No Action
- The following options are available when no Sales Opportunities are not resulted as Sold. The following next steps are available;
Sales Opportunities
Only one, the first Sales Opportunity, is supported at this time. The first Sales Opportunity is the only opportunity that is updated when resulting a Sales Appointment.