Setup SmartMail Plus
SmartMail Plus allows radius mailing around a completed job site. The mailing lists and postcards are created by QuantumDigital and include a profile of the company’s products or services, company logo, and a job site photo. The postcards contain a website landing page and a unique code. When the potential lead visits the website and enters their code, a new lead with their contact information is created automatically in MarketSharp.
Set Up SmartMail Plus
Click the Admin link in the drop-down in the upper right corner of MarketSharp Look for the Apps and Add-ons Steup box and click the SmartMail Plus Maintenance link Enter Company Profile – this is a description of the products and services that will appear on the post cards and landing page website. (Be concise, this is limited to 100 characters, included spaces) Upload Company Logo – the logo will appear on the postcards and landing page. It must be 975 pixels wide x 450 pixels high (3.25” x 1.5”) at 300 dpi resolution. Click Update Company Logo Click Choose File Select the file, then click Upload Logo Image IMPORTANT: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save to save the Company Profile and Logo.
Configure the Campaign
A Campaign is information regarding the job site mailing. Specify the campaign name, a call to action, a call to action image, a job photo, and preferred landing page. Click Add New Campaign Assign Campaign Name – Try to keep the name concise. It will appear in a drop-down list on the jobs tab for initiating a radius mailing. Select an Existing or Custom Call to Action – This is what draws the customer in. Select one of the existing Call to Actions, or Custom to create a new one. If Custom is selected, then text needs to be entered, as well as a Custom Call to Action image Click Upload Call to Action Image (recommended size is 300px W x 450px H or 1.0” x 1.5” at 300dpi resolution.) Click Update Job Photo, then Choose File. Find the file and select it, then click Upload Job Photo Select Landing Page – the SmartMail Plus landing page is created by QuantumDigital and includes the campaign name, call to action info and job photo. Choose to create a Custom Page and provide the URL Click Save Campaign
Initiate a Mailing
Find the target contact (the contact that has the completed job for which the postcards will be mailed around) Click on the Jobs Tab on the contact record Click on the Mailbox icon over on the right side of the screen Select the Campaign from the drop-down Select Target Address, either the Contact Address or the Job Site Address Click Save Campaign Email Confirmation – Click Place Order Now Within the next 24 hours, an email notification will be received. Proof the postcards then click Place Order Now. This will redirect to a confirmation screen where the project can be shared on Facebook and/or Twitter.