The navigation bar contains the primary upper level tabs users will use to navigate around MarketSharp. It also holds some special features designed to create a better user experience in all devices. White space has been removed from the top and items such as admin, call center and the help link have been condensed into drop down menus to create more space for information on the screen.
The Call Center currently does not have the new navigation bar.
To the left of the Name and the Company Id is a ? with a circle around it. Here a user can start a live chat, submit feedback, or navigate to the help page for MarketSharp.
One of the improved user experiences is when scrolling within MarketSharp. If the user scrolls down away from the navigation bar, the navigation bar will disappear. A slight scroll up will make the navigation bar visible and available to click on. This feature is disabled within Internet Explorer due to code incompatibility.
The navigation bar will also condense the upper level tabs to allow more space for information on the screen when using different devices such as an iPad. The upper level tabs are moved into a drop down and are available when selecting the icon in the upper left.
Selecting the icon in the upper right will expand the drop down and present the upper level tabs. Any item within the drop down with a white arrow to the right of it is a sub menu. For example, selecting the name and Company Id will show an additional sub menu where the user can navigate to the Admin page, My Account or Logout.
The Company Name in the center of the navigation bar is a clickable link to navigate to the company's Dashboard
The Navigation Bar
The logo is a link to the Dashboard within MarketSharp. On the right side of the navigation bar, the user will find their Name and Company Id. When the user hovers over this a drop down menu will appear. The drop down menu can will contain the Company Name, My Account and Logout for every user. Call Center, Admin and Corporate Admin will also be located here if the user has the permissions enabled.