What are Employee Permissions?
Employee permissions are what allows/disallows MarketSharp users access to particular areas and functions of the program. The System Administrator(s) have access to update these permissions to provide their organization optimal security of their data.
When creating users in MarketSharp, an employee type is always assigned to each. These employee types come with a default set of permissions. These default permissions can be adjusted by the System Admin, Management or Marketsharp Operator employee types.
How to Setup Employee Permissions.
To access and setup Employee Permissions:
1. Navigate to Admin Section and select Employee Maintenance

2. Click the blue key icon to left of user you wish to update

3. Modify Employee Permissions by checking/unchecking options

4. Save Permissions
Permission Areas
There are six areas of permissions which can be determined. These sections include:

1. Feature Permissions
This section is where users are given permission to access particular areas of Marketsharp, as well as, access to the apps and add-on features of the program.

2. List Permissions
Determines which drop down lists employees are assigned

3. Field Permissions
Permissions are for mobile only, can hide contact's phone, email and lead source information

4. View Contact Permissions
Determines which contacts within the database a user can access

5. View Appointment Permissions
Determines when an appointment can be viewed. This can be set to view all at all times or after an issued date has been entered on the appointment

6. View Dashboard Items Permissions
Determines which Dashboard widgets a user can view
Cloning Employee Permissions
Cloning permissions from one employee to another can come in handy when multiple users need to be created with specific permissions. In the instance that the system admin is customizing the permissions for one particular salesperson and then has to do that for five more sales people, cloning will make life easier.
After one user has their permissions customized to the system admin's liking, you can choose the customized user from the Cloning drop down.

Once a user has been selected, click save at the bottom. The permissions have been copied from one user to another.
Why set Employee Permissions?
An organization would want to set each user’s permissions for many reasons, including:
- Security
- Focus
- Consistency
- Ease of Use
Permissions can increase the
security of your data within MarketSharp. Permissions can ensure data cannot be deleted or exported from the system. By removing permissions to delete or export, a company can have the peace of mind knowing their data will remain intact.
Permissions can also enhance a user’s
focus within the program. This can be done by allowing the user to only access contact’s with whom they are associated. Limiting an individual to only access their contacts eliminates the ability for them to see information which does not affect their daily responsibilities. In turn, this will increase the user’s focus on their own responsibilities.
Consistency in data entry can also be achieved through the use of permissions. Allowing a limited amount of users to edit/create the customizable options within MarketSharp tends to increase this consistency because lingo/jargon/verbiage is similar throughout. This assists the everyday user by keeping options to a minimum while allowing them to enter data quickly and cleanly.
Employee permissions can also aid in the
ease of use. This can be done by simply allowing each user to access only the areas they will be assigned to work. By allowing only these areas, it eliminates confusion by visibly seeing other aspects of MarketSharp which may not pertain to their every day responsibilities.