Five9 Documentation
Five9 & MarketSharp Integration
What is Five9? Five9 is a cloud based software for managing sales, marketing and support call centers. It allows for automated dialing and automatic call resolution.
Note: Please contact Marketsharp Tech Support (1-800-596-4368) to have Five9 Maintenance turned on by Development in your Marketsharp account to begin setting up the integration.
What does the Integration do?
- On Incoming calls , Five9 will screen pop the MarketSharp Contact Record View for the call. (M$ QuickFind phone number search)
- For Outgoing calls, Five 9 will screen pop the MarketSharp Activity related to the call. (Based on Activity ID)
It automatically completes activities and updates the Activity Result, Activity Assigned To, and Activity Reference on an existing activity or it will create a new activity on a contact record
- For system and agent dispositioned calls, meaning calls Five9 handled where no agent was involved (like no answer, or busy signal and calls that are completed by a call center agent) it automatically completes activities and updates the Activity Result, Activity Assigned To to “Five9”, and Activity Reference on an existing activity or it will create a new activity on a contact record where the contact id resides in Five9
Five9 Objects & Terminology
- Call
The equivalent to a MarketSharp Activity.
- Agent
Person who takes the call. Call Center employee
- List
A Five9 List is comprised of contacts for an Outgoing calling campaign. The list is created by exporting activities from the Activity List or contacts from the List View. The import creates contact records in Five9. Imports that come from the Activity List will result in updates to existing MarketSharp activities. Imports from the Contact List View will result in new activities being created for existing MarketSharp contacts.
- Disposition
A Disposition is the equivalent of an Activity Result in MarketSharp. Dispositioning a call in Five9 is the same as resulting an activity in MarketSharp. Five9 Dispositions are mapped to MarketSharp Activity Results in the Five9 Maintenance section of MarketSharp Admin. When a call is dispositioned in Five9, an activity is created or updated in MarketSharp.
- Connectors
Three Connectors will need to be created. The first Connector will open MarketSharp and display the Contact Record View (based on a phone number search) for an Incoming call within a Five9 tab. The second connector will open MarketSharp and display the activity related to an outgoing call within a Five9 tab. These two connectors are fired when an agent accepts a call. The third Connector specifies which data fields are sent to MarketSharp, and when to send them. The activity_id, contact_id, and campaign_name fields are assigned to the connector. This connector is triggered to send its data to MarketSharp when a call is dispositioned. (Campaign_Name is mapped to Activity Reference)
- Campaign
A Campaign is used to dial customers in lists imported from MarketSharp and deliver outbound or autodial calls to the call center agents. There are typically three types of campaigns: Inbound Call campaigns, Outbound Call campaigns, and Autodial campaigns. A campaign must be “Started” in order for Five9 to deliver calls to agents. Lists, Dispositions, and Connectors are all assigned to a Campaign.
The Five9/MarketSharp Process:
- A Campaign is created in Five9
- Dispositions are created or customized and assigned to the Campaign
- MarketSharp Connectors that contain the fields to send to MarketSharp and when to send them are created. The MarketSharp Connectors are assigned to the Campaign.
- A List is created in Five9 and assigned to the Campaign.
- An export from the Activities Tab and/or Contact List in MarketSharp is imported to the List in Five9.
- Field mapping is created in the Five9 Admin section
- The Campaign is started in Five9
- Five9 gives a call to an agent
- Agent dispositions the call which triggers the connector to send the Five9 data to MarketSharp
Result – The MarketSharp Contact Record View is opened in Five9 and an activity is either created or edited Steps to get Five9 Integration up and running: Note: the only things I envision helping MarketSharp customers with are the Five9 Maintenance section in MarketSharp, creating the Five9 contact fields needed for the integration, and creating the Five9 Connectors. I have added all the Five9 steps for support to ‘try’ the process.
- Create contact fields in Five9:
Adding Contact Fields – done by Five9 administrator You will need to add two fields:
- activityID
- contactID
Important Before adding or removing contact fields, stop all running campaigns.
- Highlight Fields & click Plus sign
2. Create an activityID & contactID field
2. Create or identify an existing Campaign in Five9
Adding Campaign:
1. Right-click Campaigns and select Add Campaign
2. Enter campaign name, and click ok
3. Select the type of campaign: Outbound, Inbound, or Autodial
4. Click Create Campaign. The new campaign appears in the list.
3. Assign any custom dispositions to the campaign (they may not have any)
1. Right-click the campaign name and select Campaign Properties.
2. Click Dispositions Tab
3. Add
4. Create MarketSharp Connectors and assign them to the campaign
There are three different connectors that could be created, depending on what the customer wants to do.
1. Create/Update Activity Connector – Assigned to Outbound Campaigns This connector MUST be created. It sends the data to MarketSharp.
a. Click on Connectors. Click “+” plus sign.
2. Enter a name for the object – recommend “MarketSharp Connector”
3. Select Web Connector
4. Double click the connector to open it.
5. Enter the data below:
Description: Creates and results an activity in MarketSharpM based on ContactId in five9 URL: Method: GET Text on Starting Page: Please wait while the connector is started
6. Add the following Fields exactly as shown in screenshot, except db is the coid and key is the Five9 API Key from Admin Five9 Maintenance
7. Click Trigger tab
8. Select On Call Dispositioned
9.Check the Call Dispositions they want sent to MarketSharp. These disposisions will need to be mapped in the Admin/Five9 Maintenance setting to activity results.
2.Screen Pop Contact Record Connector – Assigned to Inbound Campaigns – based on phone number search. Will screen pop the contact record for an incoming call if it exists in MarketSharp. Create this connector if you want to screen pop incoming calls with the MarketSharp contact data.
1. Setup the General tab as follows
2. Setup the Trigger tab as follows:
3.Screen Pop Activity Connector – Assign to Outbound Campaigns – based on ActivityId. Will screen pop the activity. Use this connector if you want to screen pop activity information.Set the General Tab as Follows:
1. Set the General Tab as Follows:
4. Contact Screen pop Connector – Outbound – Use this connector to screen pop contact information for outbound calls
2. Set the Trigger tab to the following:
10. Create a List and assign it to the campaign
- Right-click Lists and select Add List
- Name the list
- Click OK to add the list to the system
11. Export MarketSharp activities or customers & import to the list
- Export to .csv the following fields from either the Activities List View or the Contact List View in MarketSharp
First Name Address Line1 State Last Name City Zip
- Import .csv to Five9 List
- Right-click the list, and select Update List
Records will either be added or updated to Five9 based on the Primary Phone Number. Select the csv file for upload & click Next Set field mapping based on headers in the csv file Make sure your file contains ContactID or ActivityID Click Finish & Ok. Click Save & Yes Assign List to Campaign Double-click on campaign Click List Tab Add List & Save
12. Assign User Skill Levels to Campaign (this determines which users are given calls. These should already be setup in Five9)
13.MarketSharp Five9 Maintenance Setup
Enter Five9 username & password Create Five9 API Key Map Call Dispositions to Activity Results Map Five9 Users to MarketSharp Employees Map Five9 Campaigns to MarketSharp Activity Reference
14.Start campaign in Five9
Right-click on campaign & select Start InBound