Filtering Operators
After choosing what to search for using the Search Column, an Operator needs to be chosen. This is basically stating what should happen with the Search Column. The options provided in the Operator drop-down will vary slightly depending on what the Search Column is.
- Equals – Filtering for anything that will Equal the Search Value
- Does Not Equal- Filtering for anything that does not equal the Search Value
- Contains - Filtering for anything that contains the Search Value
- Does Not Contain- Filtering for anything that does not contain the Search Value
- Is Blank – Filtering for no entry in the Search Column option chosen
- Is not Blank - Filtering for any entry in the Search Column option chosen
- Begins with - Filtering for any entry in the Search Column option that begins with “ A”
- Ends With - Filtering for any entry in the Search Column option that ends with “ A”
- Yes/No – Filtering to a Search Columm options where the answer is yes or no such as Appointment.HasAppointments
- Before /After – Filtering for a date