What is the Editable Drop Down List?
The Editable Drop Down List is a part of the Admin section found under the Company Setup area. This page will allow a system administrator to perform a mass update of all drop downs in MarketSharp which can be customized. Rather than having to search the entire program for where these fields reside to edit them, a user with admin permissions can visit the Editable Drop Down Lists and find them all residing here.
Although the Editable Drop Down Lists is available for the mass updating, these editable drop downs can also be updated throughout the program.
How to use the Editable Drop Down Lists
Navigate to the Admin section Click on Editable Drop Down Lists found under Company Setup
Determine which drop downs need customization
If you cannot find the drop down you are looking for, look through the Select A Custom List drop down
Once the list has been found, click the blue icon to right of drop down
Within the drop down lists you can:
Add New Item
Inactivate items so they are no longer selected
NOTE: Inactivated items will still remain in historical records
Alphabetize the list
In all cases, be sure to Save at the bottom for your changes to take effect