Editing Your Company Logo
This tutorial is to help fix your company logo. If you have uploaded your company logo and its blurry or its misaligned, I will try to help you solve that issue with a little photo editing. Note you will not need Photoshop or any expensive software to do this, Microsoft has a Snip & Sketch that comes free with all PCs. On Mac devices you can achieve this with the Preview App. I will only be talking about the Microsoft application for this tutorial.
If you have never added your company logo or if you would like to update your logo then let me show you how.
Step One: Navigate to the Admin Page.
Under the header Company Setup choose the link for General Setup.
Step Two: Under General Setup Choose you will see a section dedicated to uploading your logo.
Pay close attention to the size restriction here - Logo images must be GIF, JPG, PNG format and should not exceed 275px wide by 75px high. Px means Pixels and that is how many pixels the image should contain which for comparison, a high definition television's resolution is typically 1920px by 1080px. So this image will be quite small.
For this example lets say you uploaded the image above, you notice that its looks squished together and the text isn't in a readable view. To fix this we need to crop our image in order to scale it down to the pixel constraints given above.
Step Three: Locate the picture on your computer.
Wherever you have this logo stored on your computer, locate it. Once you do, let's right click on it.
Once you right click on an item, a menu will display. Look for the option that says Open With and just hover over that to let it display another menu. Choose Snip & Sketch from these options.
It will open the photo in the Snip & Sketch Program.
Click the crop tool icon.
Drag the white tabs down and keep the white lines just above or just below the logo, anything outside those lines will be cropped out.
Once you are satisfied with your crop, you can click the check mark at the top right or if you want to start over click the no sign at the top.
If its good, go ahead and save it, but don't overwrite the original. Keep the original in case you want to edit it differently.
Step Four: Upload your newly cropped logo into MarketSharp.
You will see how its noticeably more appealing and you can read the text on the logo!